Añade productos a tu carrito y disfruta de descuentos automáticos según la cantidad que elijas. Cuanto más compras, ¡más ahorras!
Añade productos a tu carrito y disfruta de descuentos automáticos según la cantidad que elijas. Cuanto más compras, ¡más ahorras!

These Just CBD Gummies are the strongest potency offered with 3000mg of pure CBD per jar. Each individual unit contains 17 to 55 milligrams of pure CBD, depending on the gummy you choose. The milligram breakdown per Just CBD Gummies is as follows:
GUMMY BEARS – Just CBD gummy bears are more than just the latest fad. The potent CBD treats are delicious without unnecessary flavors or additives.
PANDITAS CBD – Like all Just CBD Panditas candies, Sour Bear gummies come from organic hemp plants. That means they don’t contain enough THC to provide the euphoric effect associated with marijuana. Still, Sour Bear gummies are perfect for relieving the pressure of everyday life.
CBD Gummies – Always a favorite among Just CBD 3000mg gummy buyers, our tasty Gummies are trusted by men and women who suffer from too much stress. Considerably larger than gummy bears, our colorful CBD Clear Gummies are known to quickly help people relax, both mentally and physically.
CBD Sour Gummies – As wonderful as they taste, there is no wrong way to eat Just CBD Gummies. Perhaps you would like to savor the Just CBD gummies on or under your tongue for a while. Or perhaps you would prefer to swallow the CBD candy whole, but rather spend some time chewing to appreciate the sour taste.
CBD Rainbow Strips – After years of leading the industry, we understand what consumers want to buy, like our pre-dosed Rainbow Strips. They are also extremely appetizing.
These Just CBD Gummies are the strongest potency offered with 3000mg of pure CBD per jar. Each individual unit contains 17 to 55 milligrams of pure CBD, depending on the gummy you choose. The milligram breakdown per Just CBD Gummies is as follows:
GUMMY BEARS – Just CBD gummy bears are more than just the latest fad. The potent CBD treats are delicious without unnecessary flavors or additives.
PANDITAS CBD – Like all Just CBD Panditas candies, Sour Bear gummies come from organic hemp plants. That means they don’t contain enough THC to provide the euphoric effect associated with marijuana. Still, Sour Bear gummies are perfect for relieving the pressure of everyday life.
CBD Gummies – Always a favorite among Just CBD 3000mg gummy buyers, our tasty Gummies are trusted by men and women who suffer from too much stress. Considerably larger than gummy bears, our colorful CBD Clear Gummies are known to quickly help people relax, both mentally and physically.
CBD Sour Gummies – As wonderful as they taste, there is no wrong way to eat Just CBD Gummies. Perhaps you would like to savor the Just CBD gummies on or under your tongue for a while. Or perhaps you would prefer to swallow the CBD candy whole, but rather spend some time chewing to appreciate the sour taste.
CBD Rainbow Strips – After years of leading the industry, we understand what consumers want to buy, like our pre-dosed Rainbow Strips. They are also extremely appetizing.
Cada gomita contiene de 17 a 55 miligramos de CBD puro
Cada gomita contiene de 17 a 55 miligramos de CBD puro
Calm Peach Gummies (Relax): Deliciosos ositos de durazno con un efecto relajante.
Calm Sour Cherry (Relax): Gominolas de cereza ácida para una sensación de calma.
Gummy Bears: Los clásicos ositos de goma, dulces y frutales.
Nighttime Gummy Bears (Dormir): Ositos de goma especialmente formulados para ayudar a conciliar el sueño.
Party Mix (Surtido): Una mezcla variada de gominolas para disfrutar en cualquier ocasión.
Ribbons: Gominolas en forma de cintas, coloridas y sabrosas.
Sleep Gummy Bears (Dormir): Ositos de goma diseñados para mejorar la calidad del sueño.
Sour Worms: Gusanos de goma con un sabor ácido y dulce.
Watermelon Rings: Aros de sandía con un sabor refrescante.
Worms: Los clásicos gusanos de goma, coloridos y frutales.
Worms (Sin Azúcar): Gusanos de goma con todo el sabor, pero sin azúcar.
Calm Peach Gummies (Relax): Deliciosos ositos de durazno con un efecto relajante.
Calm Sour Cherry (Relax): Gominolas de cereza ácida para una sensación de calma.
Gummy Bears: Los clásicos ositos de goma, dulces y frutales.
Nighttime Gummy Bears (Dormir): Ositos de goma especialmente formulados para ayudar a conciliar el sueño.
Party Mix (Surtido): Una mezcla variada de gominolas para disfrutar en cualquier ocasión.
Ribbons: Gominolas en forma de cintas, coloridas y sabrosas.
Sleep Gummy Bears (Dormir): Ositos de goma diseñados para mejorar la calidad del sueño.
Sour Worms: Gusanos de goma con un sabor ácido y dulce.
Watermelon Rings: Aros de sandía con un sabor refrescante.
Worms: Los clásicos gusanos de goma, coloridos y frutales.
Worms (Sin Azúcar): Gusanos de goma con todo el sabor, pero sin azúcar.
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